This page is basically a database of cocktail recipies, unless I can find anything else cool to put here. The page is divided up into individual spirits with the corresponding cocktails that can be made with them. That way, you can pick you favourite spirit and find out the cocktails that can be made with it. I don't know if this is the best way of doing this - ideally some kind soul would donate some javascript or java.... but until then, enjoy!

Look at:

[Baileys. | Peach Schnapps. | Vodka. | Malibu. | Champagne. | Beer, Cider, Lager.]


Chocolate Monk. Camel Driver. Duck Fart. Horny Mohican. Grovschpol. Irish Flag. Mouse Brains. Screaming Orgasm.

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Vodka and Tonic. Harvey Wallbanger. Vodka Gimlet. Vodka Grasshopper. Vodka Salty Dog. Vodka Stinger. Long Vodka. Vodka Daisy. Albysjon. Advocaat. ASS. Bad Habit. Black Russian. Horny Bull. Kangaroo. Mofo. Pearl Harbour. Popsicle. Red Russian. Screwdriver. Blue Lagoon. Brass Monkey. Brutal Hammer. Buzz Bomb.

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Peach Schnapps.

Sex on the Beach. Peach Melba. Oh My Gosh. Fuzzy Screw. Sewer Rat. Tight Snatch. Bermuda Triangle. Fuzzy Balls. Comfortable Fuzzy Screw. Slippery Nipple. Slow Fuzzy Screw. Slow Fuzzy Screw Up Against A Wall. Georgian Sunrise. Mount Red. Long Island Sunset. Slow Comfortable Fuzzy Screw. Alien Urine Sample. Brain Hemorrhage.

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Malibu Wave.

Lemmings Leap. Sex In A Tree. Grand Blue. Italian Surfer With A Russian Attitude. Maclaren F1.

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Beer, Lager and Cider.

Green Monster. Purple Nasty (also known as Snakebite and Black). Purple Turtle.

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Champagne Framboise. Champagne Cobbler. Passion Fruit Champagne Cocktail. Napoleon Champagne Cocktail. Champagne Punch. Champagne Cooler.

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